About the process

What is a Local Plan?

We are in the early stages of developing a new Local Plan, which provides a framework for development in Thurrock over the next 10-15 years. The Local Plan covers:


Transport infrastructure improvements

Education facilities

Healthcare provision

Open and green space

Provision for leisure facilities

What we have done so far

We are undertaking widespread consultation at an early stage in the development of the new Local Plan, which aims to hear the views of all those affected by development in Thurrock, as well as infrastructure providers and landowners.

As part of this process, we have undertaken a series of workshops with landowners who submitted sites in each of the eight identified growth areas, as part of the Council’s Call for Sites process (excluding a pilot consultation in Aveley which ran winter 2019/20). These workshops provided the opportunity to understand which sites are deliverable, what the strengths of each area are and to understand the opportunities and constraints of development in each of these key areas.

These workshops took place from January to March 2021. At the same time, an initial survey consultation with residents was held, looking to explore what local people feel the strengths and weaknesses of their area are.

Activity was then paused for the pre-election Purdah period, in line with Government legislation.

The second stage of consultation with the public recently concluded on 13 March 2022. This second stage brought a wide range of people into the process of developing the Local Plan. This included:

  • An internal Council workshop to understand the needs and priorities of all Council services covered by the Local Plan.
  • The re-launch of the community-focused survey which helps the Council understand the views and aspirations for specific areas of Thurrock. This follows on from our previous conversations through “Your Place, Your Voice”.
  • A series of workshops, or ‘charrettes’ with stakeholders – community group leaders and landowner representatives.

Next steps: how you can get involved

Following the close of the Your Place, Your Voice consultation, a report will be collated of the engagement undertaken and the feedback received. Thurrock Council will publish this when available.

Thurrock Council intends to consult residents as part of an in-person consultation ‘roadshow’ later in 2022, to discuss potential opportunities for growth and investment.    Further details of these events will be announced closer to the time.  

Should you have any questions or comments to make in the meantime, please contact info@thurrockyourplaceyourvoice.co.uk.

For further information on the new Local Plan, visit  www.thurrock.gov.uk/new-local-plan-for-thurrock/thurrock-local-plan.